History questions and answers

1. 21 “Napoléon Bonaparte”?

2. Who was Archibald Arnott?

3. Were the people named Buonaparte or Bonaparte related?

4. Why do you think Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte was born outside marriage?

5. Why did Napoleon Franz Joseph Karl Bonaparte die so young?

6. Napoleone Buonaparte.

6.1. Was he a midget?

6.2. Why does the spelling vary between Napoleone and Napoléon?

7. Who was Franceschi Cipriani?

8. What is meant by empire style beautification?

9. Who was Gaspard Gourgaud?

10. La morte di Napoleone / La mort du Napoléon.

10.1. Where did you find the images?

10.2. Where did you find the information of who is who?

11. Who was Jean Abram Noverraz?

12. Who was Barry Edward O’Meara?

13. Who was Jean Baptiste Pierron?

14. Who was Étienne Saint-Dennis?

15. Who was John Stokoe?

16. What Napoléon I Bonaparte died from.

16.1. What does the autopsy report say?

16.2. What is calomel?

16.3. Was Charles de Montholon poisoned?

16.4. Did Charles de Montholon confess?

16.5. How could the poisoning theory be disproven?

16.6. Where does it say Napoléon did not die from drug abuse?

16.7. Where does it say Napoléon's death was not due to environmental poisoning?

16.8. Where does it say Napoléon did not die from hepatitis?

16.9. How can you adhere to the poisoning theory?

16.10. Where does it say Napoléon was not literally jailed?

16.11. What was the motive for killing Napoléon?

16.12. Why is there no consensus?

16.13. Where does it say Napoléon could not have escaped from Saint Helena?

16.14. Where does it say Napoléon did not live in poverty?

16.15. What does southern winter mean?

16.16. Which symptoms did Napoléon show?

16.17. Why was the grave vault on Saint Helena built?

16.18. Where does it say it is Napoléon who is buried in the Invalides?

16.19. What is a valet?

16.20. Well-known poison?

16.21. Which name refers to who?

This page was last changed on the 19th of July 2023.