Den här undersidan ändrades senast den 15:e april 2024.

Hudson Lowe (1769 – 1844) var en brittisk officer och politiker. 1816 – 21 var han guvernör på Saint Helena.  Vilket är anledningen till att han nämns här.

Bilden fanns tidigare med i hanns artikel, i engelskspråkiga Wikipedia. Den har ny bytts ut, mot en annan av honom. Den har ingen upphovsrätt.

This page was last changed the 15th of April 2024.

Hudson Lowe (1769 – 1844) was a British military officer and politician. He was governor on Saint Helena 1816 – 21.  Which is the reason he is mentioned here.

This image was once found in his article in the English-language version of Wikipedia. It has now been replaced by another of him. it has no copyright.

Hudson LoweHudson LoweHudson LoweHudson LoweHudson Lowe