Den här undersidan ändrades senast den 3:e augusti 2024.
Ett stort, krokodilliknande groddjur, som levde i mitten av krita. Den fanns i sydöstra Australien, som då låg söder om polcirkeln. Trots den höga breddgraden, var området en tempererad skog. I resten av världen hade den sortens djur, konkurrerats ut av krokodildjur. Koolasuchus klarade vintrarna där, genom att gå i dvala i grottor. Det kunde inte krokodilerna.
This page was last changed the 3rd of August 2024.
A large, crocodile-like amphibian which lived during the middle of the Cretaceous. It was found in south-eastern Australia which was then south of the Antarctic circle. Despite the high latitude the area was a temperate forest. In the rest of the world this type of animal had been outcompeted by crocodilians. Koolasuchus survived the winters there by hibernating in caves. The crocodiles could not do that.